Send on X-Chain
Send on X-Chain
To switch to the X-Chain, navigate to the View All Networks section, click on Networks, and then select Avalanche X-Chain.
2. Click on the Actions button, and then select Send.
3. In the Sending to field, add the receiver's address, then enter the amount and click Next. Review the transaction details, and Approve it. A Sent Successful message will show up, confirming the transfer went through.
Send on P-Chain
Send on P-Chain
To switch to the P-Chain, navigate to the View All Networks section, click on Networks, and then select Avalanche P-Chain.
2. Click on the Actions button, and then select Send.
3. In the Sending to field, add the receiver's address, then enter the amount and click Next. Review the transaction details, and Approve it. A Sent Successful message will show up, confirming the transfer went through.
NOTE: Once confirmed, transactions made on the blockchain are final. Please ensure to double-check addresses before sending funds out of your wallet. If the funds are sent to an address in error, the Ava Labs team will not be able to assist in recovering the funds.
For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a Product Support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.