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Core API Calls: avalanche_getAccountPubKey
Core API Calls: avalanche_getAccountPubKey

Developer documentation for JSON-RPC API calls to use with Core

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated this week

This method returns the public keys associated with the active account of the Core wallet. It provides both EVM and P-chain keys.

Params (0)

Result (PubicKeyDetails)

EVM: String

The EVM public key of the active account. Required

xp: String

The X-Chain and P-Chain public key of the active account. Required





User rejected the request.


There is no active account


Can not find public key for the given index


Unable to get public key


This account does not have its public key imported


Public key is not known for Fireblocks accounts


This account does not have its public key imported



await window.ethereum.request({
"method": "avalanche_getAccountPubKey",
"params": []


"evm": "03f083f3aeada2222e49d1f9616fe966e90a758b31b33893bb46087ba11de5491b",
"xp": "022ac8b32f6667bf9055f3123ad7a733fd12ae20f80fa920bf4ef425c62d30555e"

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a Product Support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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