Calculates an Ethereum specific signature by signing a message with a given private key. Before using this method, ensure that the user has granted permission to access their account by invoking eth_requestAccounts
Params (2)
1. Address (required)
The address whose private key will be used to sign the message.
The Ethereum address to sign with.
Match pattern:^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$
2. Message (required)
The message to be signed.
Data to sign. This can be an arbitrary length string, or hexadecimal beginning with 0x.
Result (Signature)
The signature of the message.
The hexadecimal signature string.
Match pattern:^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{130}$
Code | Message |
4100 | The requested account and/or method has not been authorized by the user. |
await window.ethereum.request({
"method": "eth_sign",
"params": [
"Hello, World!"
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