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Core API Calls: avalanche_signTransaction
Core API Calls: avalanche_signTransaction

Developer documentation for JSON-RPC API calls to use with Core

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated this week

Takes an unsigned transaction, prompts the user for approval, and returns the signed transaction to the caller.

Params (3)

  1. transactionHex (required)

    1. string

    2. The unsigned transaction in hexadecimal format

  2. chainAlias (required)

    1. string

    2. The chain alias for which the transaction is meant

    3. Allowed values: X, P

  3. utxos

    1. array[string]

    2. Array of the UTXO IDs consumed by the transaction

Result (AvalancheSignTransactionResult)

signedTransactionHex: String

The signed transaction in a hexadecimal format.

signatures: array[object]

  1. signature

    1. string

    2. Signature of the transaction

  2. sigIndices

    1. array[number]

    2. Contains input - signature index pair





Missing mandatory param(s)


No active account found


Missing signer address


This account has nothing to sign


Unable to parse transaction data. Unsupported tx type


Expected a signedTx to be returned by the wallet, {value} returned.


Failed to sign [${inputIndex}, ${sigIndex}]


User rejected the request.

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