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Core: How can I access the Bitcoin address in a non-Core wallet?
Core: How can I access the Bitcoin address in a non-Core wallet?
Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated this week

If users want to access the BTC on Core from another wallet, users can use another wallet that provides custom derivation paths.

The value of n should represent which account the funds are in, where the first account would be 0.

Below are the pathways that can be used to access the BTC.

  • BIP 44: m/44'/60'/0'/0/n

  • Ledger Live: m/44'/60'/n'/0/0

If users are using the Electrum wallet, the derivation path should be m/44'/60'/n'

For any additional questions, please view our other knowledge base articles or contact a Product Support team member via the chat button. Examples are for illustrative purposes only.

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