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Frequently Asked Questions
Common FAQs regarding the Core Suite.
Core: What types of wallets does Core have?
How to transition from using the Avalanche® Wallet to Core web.
I transitioned from and do not see my previous stake activity.
What are the differences between staking on Core mobile and Core web?
Core extension: How can I use Core and Metamask at the same time?
Core extension: Seedless sign-up gives me a CORS policy error
Core extension: What are Ledger wallet policies?
Core extension: What if additional accounts are not showing a balance after re-installing
Core extension: What do I do if my Ledger disconnects from the extension?
Core extension: What is Cross-chain transaction signing?
Core web: Getting "An internal error was received" when trying to make a transaction
Core web: What if my cross-chain transaction didn't work?
Core: How can I access the Bitcoin address in a non-Core wallet?
What is AvaGPT?
What happens if I connect my Ledger to Core, and don’t see all of my accounts or funds?
What happened to
What derivation paths does Avalanche® use?
What are the official Avalanche wallets?
Upgrading the Avalanche app in Ledger
Secret Recovery Phrase is not working?
How to share product feedback, report bugs, and request features in Core.
How do I use Core with L1s (DFK)?
How do I connect Core to Trader Joe?
Core web: Why I don't see all of my assets that I'm expecting to see?
Core: How do I refresh NFT Metadata?
Core: How do I manage Seedless MFA?
Core: What email notifications do I get for my Seedless wallet?
Core: Why am I getting a Bridge Unavailable error?
Core: Why is my Bitcoin balance showing zero when a transaction is pending?
Core: Why is my connection blocked?
Core: Why is my Ledger disconnected from Core extension?
Error: cannot parse the tx
How can I view Core's error messages in the Chrome Console?
How do I add Core extension programmatically?
How do I connect Core to Benqi?
How do I connect Core to Enclave Cross?